I was born, and raised around a drilling rig. My grandfather Henry Blume(HB) Johnson, St. Was a well know drilling contractor and oilman in the ark-La-Tex Blume and our family owned and operated a drilling company called Butler Johnson Drilling Company that sold back in the early 80's. We have managed, and owned minerals in this area since the 1940's.
My team:(combined experience of 125 years managing land, timber, oil, gas and mineral assets.
JC Johnson Management LLC shares an office with Johnson Minerals.. I personally have been managing mineral interests here since graduating from The Daniel's college of Business , University of Denver 2004. I have functioned as a landman/mineral manager since graduating, but have also done extensive independent work for many major operators. Most of my experience is working shale gas plays. I started out in Ft. worth, Tx working the Barnett Shale doing title curative, and crew manager over their leasing program that covered 3 county's.
Have managed assets as a non-op working interest owner in Haynesville Shale gas wells operated by the below in -North Louisiana, East Texas:
Rockcliff, XTO, EOG, Chesapeake, Trinity Operating, BPX, Comstock Resources, Paloma, SWN, we also own and manage various interests in conventional oil and gas wells operate by local independents. Basically if they have produced oil or gas in this area anytime in the last 100 years we have probably dealt , or are dealing with them now. Relationships are carefully maintained with all member of the oil and gas community, the Johnson name goes back a very long ways in the oil patch around these parts, and we look forward to helping you manage you, or your families interests.
James C. Johnson III. Is my father and has worked in the industry for over 55 years. Worked on drilling rigs and has owned minerals interests all over the world.
Shirley Adam's- has managed the same office for our family for 50+ years. all the way into the office, and is current Co-Manager of Johnson Minerals Co.